Manifest Your Dream House

Whether you’re buying your first home or want to create a more positive atmosphere in your current home, the power of an intention-focused approach can help you move forward in this new stage of your life.

But how exactly do you manifest your dream home?

The first step is to be specific.  The more specific the better.  Think of it as writing a cosmic shopping order to the universe.  Take the time to write a list of everything you’d love your dream house to have.  Do you want a garden?  A pantry?  A large family bathroom?  A log burning fireplace?

The next stage is to ask the universe. You can do this by creating a vision board filled with pictures of everything you want to attract in your dream home. An easy way to do this is on Pinterest, filling a board with your cosmic shopping list vitals, and then making a habit of looking at it regularly to really reaffirm what you’re asking from the universe. 

Believing your dream house is on its way to you is the next, but potentially hardest, step.  How do you believe something is yours without ever having it?  Close your eyes every day before you go to sleep and visualise the day when you get the keys and walk around your dream house.  At the heart of The law of attraction, is matching the energy you put out to the energy of the thing you want to attract.  So, sink into that feeling of excitement, the feeling of relief, and delight.  Really hone in on how you’ll feel when your offer is accepted and you realise your manifestation has come to fruition. 

Feeling the feelings is one of the most powerful tools of the law of attraction, because as mentioned earlier, the energy you put out is the energy you attract back.  Therefore, if you put out into the universe that excited and happy feeling of finding your dream home, she has no choice but to match that energy with the same thing – your dream home.

The next step is to take inspired action towards your goal.  Yes, you can sit on the couch and wait for the perfect place to appear, but by making your intentions clear to the universe and then taking steps towards it, you’re showing the universe you mean business and she can deliver at a much quicker rate.

How exactly do you take inspired action to manifest your dream home?  You could drive around the area you want to live in, having a coffee in the place you believe will be your local cafe.  You could burn a candle in your current home with the scent that you want in your dream home. Close your eyes and imagine you’re there. Call it in. Make a list of what you’ll need to buy or how you’d love to decorate.  Practically, you can ensure you’re as ready as you can be and in the best position to take action when the universe makes your dream home known. You could take a walk around the streets you vision living in.  Sign up to local estate agents so you’re the first to know when a property becomes available in your desired postcode. 

Once you’ve got into the mindset of believing, you need to open your mind to receiving.  How do you do this? Don’t worry about the how and the when, but remember to keep your eyes and ears open to signs sent from the universe that your new house is on its way.  She will deliver when the divine timing is right, not before, or after.  When we talk about signs, it sounds a little kooky doesn’t it?  But trust me when I say, if you ask the universe for a sign, she will deliver, whether that be in angel numbers, a white feather or something significant to you to let you know everything’s going to work out. 

Maybe a friend will mention a house has come free in the area, or you’ll suddenly see an email from a local estate agent.  Perhaps you’ll overhear a conversation about a new development that sparks your interest.  You might spot a for sale sign as you take a detour through the area.  The thing to remember is the universe will deliver exactly what you need, at the time you need it, so release the power and embrace the trust.

Finally, we can’t expect good things to appear without being thankful for what we have currently. Gratitude plays a huge part in the law of attraction and paying thanks for the home you have at the moment helps to raise your vibrations and feel in a more positive frame of mind while you’re attracting something new.

Which leads nicely onto the next point of creating a more positive home environment to help attract a little magic into your life.

There are a number of steps you can take to attract good energy into your home starting with:


Spend time decluttering and organising your home to rid of negative energy.  There’s a reason why people say decluttering is good for the soul, as it allows you to create space not only in your home but in your head, as physical mess can often lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed. It also doubles as aligned action as you are preparing to move!


A more spiritual inspired tip is to burn sage smudge sticks through each corner of each room in the house, opening your windows to allow any stagnant energy to escape.  Be sure to carry a plate underneath your sage sticks to make sure ash doesn’t fall on your carpet.  A house fire isn’t on our vision board.

Creating a welcoming environment

Wanting to move doesn’t mean you can’t design a home you look forward to returning to each day now. Purchase your favourite scents, hang pictures of family and friends, create a reading nook with throws and cushions, build a coffee bar where you can sit and collect your thoughts on a morning before the day starts – create a home you love now, and you’ll see a shift in your happiness I guarantee.

Positive affirmations

When we speak of positive affirmations, we’re often met with a judgmental eye roll.  But there is real science behind the language we choose to use.  For example, when we use negative language to describe ourselves, our brain will then go in search of evidence to prove this is correct.  It will pull out a memory or thought that shows that, yes, we are correct in using that negative language as “x” happened previously.

But the beauty in this is, we can use positive affirmations to rewire our brain so it searches in our database for evidence to prove we’re right about the positive language we use.

For example, positive affirmations for your home could include:

I feel safe and loved at home

My home is a sanctuary

I love waking up in my house every single morning, excited for what the day brings

I have a beautiful home

My home is filled with love

The key is to read, speak or write these affirmations every single day.  Doing this daily reaffirms to your subconscious part of the brain that this must be something you believe.  It might take 2-3 weeks, but if you do this daily, I can guarantee you will start to feel much happier and more positive in the home you live in now because you are purposely rewiring your brain to think so.

Whether you’re looking to create a more positive home environment, or you’re looking to manifest your dream home, hopefully these tips will help you on your way to writing the next chapter of your life.

P.S Don’t forget to share this post with someone who might find these tips and tricks useful in understanding how to manifest your dream home. 

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