A man is driving past a farm

A man driving past a farm accidentally runs over a rooster. Overcome with guilt, he picks up the unfortunate bird and heads to the farmhouse. Apologetically, he tells the farmer, “I’m so sorry, I’ve run over your rooster. I’ll happily replace him.” The farmer, with a twinkle in his eye, responds, “Well, if you’re keen to go around back and mate with the hens, be my guest, but I’d prefer you just pay for a new rooster.”

Meanwhile, another farmer with 200 hens but no rooster desperately needs chicks. He asks a neighboring farmer if he has a rooster for sale. The neighbor grins and says, “I’ve got this amazing rooster named Randy. He’s a real powerhouse. He’ll service every chicken you’ve got, no problem.” Despite the hefty price tag, the farmer buys Randy.

Bringing Randy home, the farmer cautions him to pace himself. Randy gives a knowing nod but immediately dives into action, servicing every hen in the coop, leaving the farmer in shock. By afternoon, Randy moves on to the ducks, then the geese by the lake, and by sunset, he’s chasing after quail and pheasants. The farmer worries that Randy might not survive the night.

The next morning, the farmer finds Randy sprawled lifeless in the yard, with buzzards circling overhead. Saddened, he says, “Oh, Randy, I told you to pace yourself. Look what you’ve done.” Suddenly, Randy opens one eye, gestures towards the buzzards, and whispers, “Shhh. They’re getting closer.” What a joker!

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