Angelina Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of physical abuse that “started well before” infamous plane incident

In the golden era of Hollywood, they once stood as the epitome of glamour and stardom, casting a radiance that surpassed the brilliance of any spotlight.

Yet, amidst the dazzle, the union of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was fated for turmoil, their narrative now overshadowed by the grim saga of divorce and legal strife.

In the latest chapter of their tumultuous saga, recent court filings have unveiled unsettling allegations. Reports suggest that Pitt’s alleged “physical abuse” towards Jolie commenced long before the notorious 2016 plane incident, casting a shadow over their once-celebrated partnership.

Their clash extends beyond personal disputes to the realm of business. In a bitter legal tussle over a French winery they once shared, accusations of betrayal and manipulation abound. Pitt accuses Jolie of jeopardizing the integrity of their shared venture, while Jolie counters with allegations of abuse and coercion.

The narrative takes a darker turn with revelations that the alleged abuse transcended spousal conflict to encompass their children. Jolie’s legal team paints a harrowing picture, asserting that Pitt’s misconduct culminated in a traumatic plane journey, prompting Jolie to take decisive action.

As the legal battle intensifies, the intricate web of accusations and counter-accusations threatens to engulf their once-private lives in a storm of public scrutiny. Jolie’s legal maneuvering seeks to shed light on Pitt’s alleged transgressions, weaving a narrative of manipulation and intimidation.

In response, Pitt’s camp dismisses the allegations as a desperate ploy, deflecting attention from the substantive issues at hand. With custody battles and bitter recriminations unfolding in the public eye, the truth remains elusive amidst the cacophony of claims and counterclaims.

Their saga serves as a cautionary tale, a stark reminder of the fragility of fame and the perils that lurk beneath the surface of Hollywood’s glittering facade. As the legal drama unfolds, one thing remains certain: the story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is far from reaching its final act.

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