Dad whose body is completely covered in tattoos undergoes transformation for the sake of his young daughter

Once drawing admiration for his striking tattoos, he now confronts a wave of regret regarding past choices. Having poured roughly $60,000 AUD into adorning his body with intricate ink, he finds himself on a new path—one marked by laser surgery to undo what was once proudly worn. Motivated by a mix of anxiety and a desire for a clean slate, he seeks to shed the weight of his heavily tattooed past.

Over the past year, Ethan has diligently attended multiple laser sessions, each aimed at slowly erasing the intricate artwork adorning his skin. His commitment is steadfast, with a clear objective in mind: to significantly diminish the presence of his tattoos within the next two years. While he still appreciates his overall appearance, Ethan finds solace in the mental clarity that accompanies each fading tattoo, eagerly anticipating the prospect of a less inked canvas.

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