Making a New Home After Divorce or Loss

Whether you’re going through a divorce or grieving the loss of a spouse, creating a new home can be a healing journey.

My Journey to a New Home

On July 30th, 2021, I bought a cozy cottage, transforming it into my sanctuary step by step. This move was a shock to all of us. Just a month earlier, my husband and I decided to separate—a heart-wrenching decision. But through this, I’ve witnessed God’s faithfulness in countless ways.

I’ve shared the struggles and triumphs of my journey on Instagram. The early months were a blur of brokenness and change, yet filled with the constant goodness of God.

Selling Our Home

Should you sell your home when you divorce? For us, selling was necessary. Despite the market’s strength, we faced setbacks, and selling our nearly paid-off home was emotional but necessary. I needed a fresh start, and my new cottage provided that.

Finding a New Place

After our separation, I focused on where to live. I wanted to stay in the same neighborhood for my kids and my dog, Carson. Miraculously, I found a house on the same street as a close friend. This move has stretched me, teaching me new skills and independence.

Tips for Moving On

  • Embrace Your New Life: Decide what you want in your new home and let go of items that bind you to the past.
  • Let Go of Sentimental Items: Keep what brings joy and store the rest until you’re ready.
  • Give Yourself Permission to Fail and Learn: Trying new things and asking for help are essential steps.
  • Make Your House a Home: Start with small projects to make your new place feel like home.

Finding Purpose After Divorce

Life after divorce is challenging, but it’s also a time to discover new strengths. My motto is “to encourage women in hard places with hope.” I pray these tips help you find confidence and hope.

Creating a new home is more than just a fresh start; it’s a step towards healing and finding your true self. Embrace the journey, and remember, you are not alone.

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