Man who won $1,300,000,000 lottery jackpot sued by family after breaking promise to share winnings

A lottery winner who hit the $1.3 billion Mega Millions jackpot is now embroiled in a bitter legal battle with his family.

The man, from Maine, has chosen to remain anonymous, but his life took a dramatic turn after securing one of the largest lottery wins in U.S. history.

Initially ecstatic, the winner’s joy quickly soured as his family accused him of reneging on promises he allegedly made if he ever won big. These promises included setting up a million-dollar trust fund and covering his father’s medical expenses.

Tensions escalated further when the winner accused his daughter’s mother, referred to as Sara Smith, of violating a non-disclosure agreement by revealing the win to the family before their daughter’s 18th birthday in 2032.

The jackpot, which was purchased in Lebanon, Maine, according to the Independent, has led to a cascade of allegations and counter-allegations of misconduct among family members.

Court documents obtained by the Daily Beast show a series of cases filed on May 10, with all parties involved accusing each other of various wrongdoings.

The winner, identified as John Doe in the legal filings, claims that Sara Smith broke the NDA by disclosing the win. However, Smith contends that it was actually Doe who disclosed his fortune, which she argues undermines his lawsuit.

Adding to the drama, Doe’s father has come forward claiming that his son revealed the jackpot win in early 2023. The father stated, “My son came to my house and informed me and my wife that he won a large amount of money in the Maine State Lottery.”

He further claimed that his son had made grand promises, including buying the family home, setting up a $1 million trust fund, and covering his medical expenses. Despite these assurances, the father alleges their relationship has deteriorated, and none of the promises have been fulfilled.

Doe, in turn, has accused his father of attempting to expose his identity, complicating an already tense family situation.

As the legal battle unfolds, it seems that the colossal win has only brought misfortune and strife to this family.

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