Navigating Thanksgiving Tensions: How I Addressed My Boyfriend’s Mom Constantly Calling Me the Wrong Name

Following a contentious Thanksgiving encounter with her boyfriend’s family, a 30-year-old woman sought guidance on Reddit. The revelation that her partner had previously dated his high school sweetheart had inadvertently wounded his mother’s feelings. Despite her partner’s plea for civility, the mother persistently referred to the woman by her ex-girlfriend’s name.

In a moment marked by irony, the boyfriend’s mother suggested facetiously that the woman cook the turkey at a pre-Thanksgiving gathering, continuing to use the incorrect name. Driven to make a statement, the woman arrived at Thanksgiving without the promised turkey, assuming someone else would provide it. The ensuing disagreement escalated, leading to their eviction from the house. Since then, her partner has maintained a notable silence.

Reddit users expressed divergent opinions, with some commending her assertiveness, while others suggested she should have addressed the issue with the mother earlier. Seeking validation for her actions, the woman discovered considerable support from those who empathized with her decision to confront the persistent shaming.

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