Passionate Urgency: A Call for Intimate Connection at this very momeny!

While preparing our usual morning fare of soft-boiled eggs and toast, I found my spouse stationed in the kitchen, clad in nothing but the familiar t-shirt she typically wore to bed. As I entered, still groggy, she turned toward me and in a hushed tone insisted, “You must make love to me right now!”

In that surreal moment, I pondered, “Either I’m still caught in a dream, or today is shaping up to be exceptionally fortunate.”

Without hesitation, I seized the opportunity there at the kitchen table, eager not to let the moment slip away. I enveloped her in an embrace, giving it my all.

Afterward, she expressed her gratitude with a simple “Thank you” before returning to the stove, the t-shirt now draped around her neck.

Perplexed but elated, I inquired, “What prompted that spontaneous moment?”

With a mischievous smile, she replied, “The egg timer’s broken.

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