Tesla Owner Says He’s Locked Out After Battery Expired, Replacement Costs $26K

In the realm of Tesla ownership, challenges often abound. Enter Mario Zelaya, a Tesla owner hailing from the rugged landscapes of Canada, who recently found himself ensnared in a vexing ordeal. Locked out of his prized electric chariot due to a lamentable dead battery, he faced a daunting predicament. To his dismay, a visit to the dealership revealed a staggering proposition: a heart-stopping $26,000 for a replacement battery.

Venting his frustration in a viral video, Zelaya’s outcry echoed across the digital expanse. “$26k for a new battery. Locked out of a car. Recalls are needed,” he proclaimed, his voice a thunderous call to action. Yet, the saga did not end there. For Zelaya, the ordeal extended beyond mere inconvenience; it struck at the very core of his Tesla ownership.

Desperate to retrieve essential documents locked within his metallic steed, Zelaya embarked on a journey fraught with trials. He shelled out $30 for replacement papers, a small price to pay amidst the tempest of Tesla woes. With his Tesla purchased back in 2013, Zelaya pointed to a design flaw as the harbinger of his tribulations—a flaw that birthed fluid leaks onto batteries, spelling doom over time.

Summoning the titans of automotive scrutiny, Zelaya invoked the aid of Transport Canada, igniting an investigation that promised to unearth the truth behind Tesla’s battery blunders. His condemnation of Tesla’s handling of the matter rang clear: “I’ll never buy another Tesla again,” he declared, his words a rallying cry for the disenchanted Tesla faithful.

In the arena of legal strife, Tesla’s battles have been many. From German courts casting judgment on the reliability of driver assistance systems to hefty recalls numbering in the hundreds of thousands, Tesla’s armor of invincibility began to show cracks. Complaints, like war drums, resound across the globe, each one a testament to the struggles of Tesla ownership. A Finnish owner, faced with the specter of a $23,000 battery replacement, chose defiance, igniting his Tesla in a blaze of defiance.

Zelaya’s tale struck a chord, resonating deeply within the Tesla community. Sympathy poured forth like a flood, as fellow travelers shared their own trials and tribulations. “I’ve had nothing but issues with mine,” lamented one. “A mint 2005 Honda Civic would have still been running,” remarked another, their words a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of reliable automobiles.

In the end, Zelaya bid farewell to his Tesla, closing the chapter on a tumultuous journey. “That’s going to be the end of my Tesla journey. It’s out of my life. Keep it out of yours,” he declared, his voice a clarion call to those who dared to tread the path of Tesla ownership.


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