The woman has lived in the castle since 1986, and has never even wiped off the dust.

Cornelia Bailey has lived in a castle since 1986, never once dusting the luxurious estate. But what has become of the castle, and why did she choose to live there?

Thirty-five years ago, British Cornelia Bailey was a beautiful, young, and wealthy woman. In the mid-1980s, she decided to purchase an old castle. For seventy-five thousand pounds, she acquired an early seventeenth-century castle filled with antique porcelain, furniture, and artwork. The castle boasted ten bedrooms.

Cornelia invested five times the purchase price into renovating the property. After the restoration, tourists began flocking to the castle, providing a good source of income.

However, as time passed, Cornelia struggled to arrange her personal life, leading her to depression. Initially, she had several housekeepers, but eventually, she fired them all and lived in the castle as a hermit.

Over the next thirty-three years, the castle fell into disrepair. The architectural monument gradually deteriorated, and Cornelia herself did not fare much better.

Concerned residents of nearby villages sought help from a British television program that specializes in restoring old homes and apartments. The show’s participants took on the challenge of cleaning Bailey’s castle.

Despite being a woman of strong character, Cornelia did not refuse help. However, she insisted that the cleaning be done only with water and rags, fearing that chemicals would damage the interior. After much persuasion, she accepted that thirty years of dust could not be removed so easily.

By the way, Cornelia turned out to be a lady with character. She didn’t refuse help. But I wanted the cleaning to be done only with water and rags. The woman was afraid that the chemicals would damage the interior.

The cleaning process took several days, and now the castle shines like new.

It took several days to clean the castle. Now everything there shines like new.

Whether Bailey will maintain this newfound cleanliness is uncertain, especially considering she had not taken a shower or bath for several years. Maintaining a large castle may prove to be a daunting task for her.

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