Unveiling the Intimate: Smokey Robinson’s Revelations of a ‘Beautiful’ Affair with Diana Ross Amidst Matrimony

Smokey Robinson has recently shared insights into his enduring friendship with Diana Ross, revealing a chapter of their relationship that transcended mere camaraderie.

In a candid interview with the Guardian, the 83-year-old music luminary disclosed that he and Ross shared an affair for a period of “about a year,” a revelation that occurred during his marriage to his first wife, Claudette Rogers.

Reflecting on this delicate aspect of their bond, Robinson described the experience as unexpectedly blossoming amidst their collaborative endeavors. He fondly characterized it as “beautiful,” acknowledging the complexities of their circumstances but emphasizing the genuine connection they shared.

Robinson and Ross’s friendship traces back to their childhood, having grown up as neighbors and forming a deep bond as young companions, a sentiment also shared with another legendary figure, Aretha Franklin, who inhabited their shared neighborhood.

The renowned crooner confessed to harboring a teenage infatuation for Franklin, yet it was his relationship with Ross that evolved into a more intimate liaison. Dispelling notions of any deliberate pursuit, Robinson portrayed their romance as a natural progression, with neither party instigating the affair but rather it unfolding organically.

Despite the depth of their connection, the affair ultimately concluded, prompted by Ross’s recognition of the enduring love between Robinson and his wife, Claudette. Robinson candidly acknowledged his affection for his spouse, underscoring the complexity of human emotions and the capacity for love to transcend conventional boundaries.

Reflecting on the aftermath of their affair, Robinson delved into the profound insights gained, particularly regarding the multifaceted nature of love. He challenged societal norms and taboos surrounding love, asserting its innate complexity and the fallibility inherent in human relationships.

Addressing a lighthearted rumor with his signature humor, Robinson dismissed speculation suggesting paternity of Michael Jackson, humorously quipping about the absurdity of such claims.

In sharing his account of affection and friendship with Ross, Robinson offers a nuanced perspective on love, traversing the realms of desire, loyalty, and human connection with candid introspection and warmth.

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