Wisconsin DQ Puts Up ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign, Owner Doesn’t Back Down

A Dairy Queen restaurant in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, has found itself at the center of online controversy due to a message proudly displayed on its front window. The billboard unabashedly features traditional holiday greetings such as “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Easter,” alongside expressions of gratitude to veterans on Veterans Day.

Owner Kevin Scheunemann stands by the sign, asserting that it was installed nearly four years ago to transparently reflect his and his staff’s dedication to serving God and country. Originally erected in response to a customer complaint about Christian music in the restaurant, the sign has not prompted further issues since its installation.


Renewed attention was brought to the sign when an Oregon tourist shared a photo of it on Facebook, igniting a debate about its inclusivity. While some voices express support for the message, others criticize its dissemination. Local business owners rally behind Scheunemann’s decision, affirming that customers are free to choose whether to patronize the establishment.

Dairy Queen corporate clarifies that Scheunemann’s approach does not reflect its official stance and underscores the importance of treating all customers with respect, regardless of their religious beliefs.

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